
Carl Spiby

Karlostheunhappy (Carl Spiby)

Karlostheunhappy is the former editor of BeatSurreal – the 90’s underground litzine and author of OBLIVION: 200 Seasons of Pain & Magic. He was runner-up in the 2021 Ledbury Poetry Festival’s 19th annual Slam competition and has featured in Beatdom magazine and numerous online open-mics throughout the UK. In 2022 he read in Oxford and then remotely with the NBPF’s own Kerouac centenary celebrations, and Finn Hall’s collaborative movie-read of Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’. He’s currently working on the follow-up to Oblivion, a collection of BeatSurreal’s issue 1-4 plus hand-curate new post-Beat and Dadaist work, Beat travelogues to Berlin and the West Coast USA, and a collection and guide to haiku. He is also a member of the Gloucester Poetry Society and sets their monthly haiku challenge.

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