DeeTruepoetry, (Darlene Fernandez) – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 – Watch Here
Darlene Fernandez AKA Dee Truepoetry was born in New York City May 5, 1980 and moved to Connecticut in 1992. She now resides in Waterbury, CT.
Writing since 1996, she dove into spoken word in 2009. Gracing many stages in in Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts.
Dee Truepoetry is the mother of three. She serves as the President of the non profit organization, ‘Make’Em Believe’, which is based in Waterbury. In addition, Dee Truepoetry curates open mics like Grown & Sexy Poetry and Positive Expression, which provides creatives spaces for both adults and the youth of her community. Her passion is to make a difference in the community by inspiring others to take action, hoping her words of encouragement will live forever through her poetry.