Dr. Aprilia Zank – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 Watch Here
Dr. Aprilia Zank received her PhD degree in Literature and Psycholinguistics for her thesis THE WORD IN THE WORD Literary Text Reception and Linguistic Relativity at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, where she started her academic career as a lecturer for Creative Writing and Translation Theory. She is also a poet, a translator and the editor of two anthologies: the English – German anthology poetry tREnD Eine englisch – deutsche Anthologie zeitgenössischer Lyrik (LIT Verlag, Berlin), and the anthology POETS IN PERSON at the Glassblower (Indigo Dreams Publishing, U.K.). She writes verse in English and German, and was awarded a distinction at the “Vera Piller” Poetry Contest in Zurich. Her poetry collection, TERMINUS ARCADIA, was 2nd Place Winner at the Twowolvz Press Poetry Chapbook Contest 2013. She translates from and into German, English, French and Romanian in collaborative projects with various poets, and is a member of the editorial boards of several literary journals.
Aprilia is also a passionate photographer: several of her images are prize winners and have been selected for poetry book covers.