Bengt O Björklund – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 Watch Here
Bengt O Björklund is a Poet, journalist, photographer, musician, writer and artist. He was born in Stockholm in 1949. In 1968 he landed in prison in Istanbul together with a bunch of international artists, poets and musicians. It was there he began his creative activity. Bengt has worked with music, radio and much more. He has been working as a journalist and writes books.
In his writing he tries various styles and style grip and like to vary it. When it comes to poetry, one can say that there are two main streams, the autobiographical and the filosofiska. Bengt has also performed with their texts in various locations around the country.
In 2018 Bengt was named Sweden Beat Poet Laureate and honored with a lifetime award by the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc. based in Connecticut, USA.