Chris Vannoy – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 – Watch Here
Chris Vannoy @ The Beat Museum Poetry Festival – Watch Here
Chris Vannoy performs his poetry at the Other Side coffee shop in North Park San Diego, CA. Watch Here
Beat poet Chris Vannoy performs ‘I got beat in San Francisco’ at Dylan’s Birthplace – Watch Here
Chris Vannoy lives in San Diego, CA and is a member of a new generation of beat poets. He has spent more than 2 decades writing and performing original verse on San Diego open mic stages, touring extensively across the United States & Europe, and is known as the California State Beat Poet. He was honored by the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc. based in Connecticut and named San Diego, CA Beat Poet Laureate, (2017-2019) and US National Beat Poet Laureate (2018-2019).
He won the San Diego Book Award for Twenty Poems Against Love and a Song for the Air. His book, A Strange Summer, includes “I Got Beat in San Francisco” and “Last Call for Kerouac.”
He has been recognized for his writing, winning a San Diego Book Award for best book of poetry one year and coming in second another year.
Chis Vannoy’s newest book of poems called, What is Beat? was published in 2019 by Local Gems Press www.localgemspoetrypress.com