Ngoma Hill – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 – Watch Here
Ngoma is a performance poet,multi-instrumentalist,singer/songwriter,Artivist and paradigm shifter, who for over 40 years has used culture as a tool to raise socio-political and spiritual consciousness through work that encourages critical thought.
A former member of Amiri Baraka’s “The Spirit House Movers and Players” and the contemporary freedom song duo”Serious Bizness”,Ngoma weaves poetry and song that raises contradictions and searches for a solution to a just and peaceful world.
Ngoma was the Prop Slam Winner of the 1997 National Poetry Slam Competition in Middletown,CT and his been published in African Voices Magazine,Long Shot Anthology,The Underwood Review,Signifyin’ Harlem Review,Bum Rush the Page/Def Poetry Jam Anthology,Poems on the Road to Peace-(Volumes 1,2,and 3)Yale Press ,Let Loose On the World-Amiri Baraka at 75,The Understanding Between Foxes and Light-Great Weather For Media and New Rain/Blind Beggar Press 35th Anniversary Issue. He was featured in the P.B.S spoken word documentary The Apropoets with Allen Ginsburg
Ngoma has curated and hosted the poetry slam at the Martin Luther King Family Festival of Social and Environmental Justice at the Yale/Peabody Museum since 1995.He was also selected to participate in the 2009 Badilisha Poetry Xchange in Capetown,South Africa.In December of 2011 He was initiated as a Priest of Obatala in Ibadan,Nigeria.In June of 2013 he was initiated as a Priest of Ifa