Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival – Day 1

At Town of Canton — The Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival 2023 starts its 3 day festival on Friday night from 7pm-10pm, September 1, 2023.
Location: Canton Town Hall, 4 Market St # 100, Collinsville, CT 06019. Free Town Parking is available.
Poets known worldwide from all over the country are ready to entertain you for a most memorable experience.
Schedule of Events:
7pm-8pm – Beat Laureates Read (3 Mins Each)
8pm – 8:30pm – Open Mic (3 mins Each)
8:30pm- 9:45pm – “Do It Now”
(We have to be out of the building by 10pm)
(The festival continues on Saturday. There will be more time for people to read)
About – “DO IT NOW”
The core of “Do It Now” is Paul Richmond, Beat Poet Laureate, Tony Vacca innovative American percussionist with Jazz and World Music, John Sheldon, “one of the great guitarists of our time.”(NPR) Do it Now, combines poetry, story-telling, political commentary and musical improvisation to share the vision and hope for our planet and future generations.
John Sheldon is in his 50th year of writing songs, composing music and performing his unique style of electric and acoustic guitars. Performing credits include a stint when he was 17 as the lead guitarist for VAN MORRISON, songwriter for JAMES TAYLOR, a member of the Sixties’ psychedelic jazz rock band THE BEAD GAME (whose drummer was JIM HODDER, later of STEELY DAN), and touring with LINDA RONSTADT and JAMES TAYLOR
Tony Vacca has become a true “rhythm nomad,” incorporating a world of percussion music and instruments to create something…
all his own. Over the course of his career he has made a habit of pushing the already adventurous conventions of World Music into
new territory, both as a soloist and as the leader of his World Rhythms Ensemble. Twenty-one trips to West Africa have contributed
to his unique approach and to his depth of knowledge regarding African and American musical traditions. Tony Vacca has recorded and performed with such a wide range of musicians such as Sting, Senegalese Afro-pop artist Baaba Maal, Jazz trumpeter Don Cherry, poet Abiodun Oyewole, Senegalese Hip-Hop artists Gokh-bi System, and Massamba Diop.
Paul Richmond, National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc. named Paul Richmond Beat Poet Laureate three times; Massachusetts 2017 to 2019, U S National Beat Poet Laureate 2019 – 2020. New Generation Beat Poet Laureate 2020 – Lifetime. Paul is best described as political, deadpan, and wryly humorous delivered in his own style. He has been called, “Assassin of Apathy – power of words / humor – on the unthinkable, the unsolvable, to analyze to digest to give birth to creativity and hope.” He has performed nationally and internationally.
The Karma Jar is always appreciative of donations ($5-$10) to help with production costs so that we can continue to bring these programs to you.
The program will be videoed live and soon after will be made available on the NBPF YouTube Channel. Hope to see you and hear you. The open mic sign up sheet will be at the door when you arrive. I hope to hear a lot of different voices sharing their words. Thank you for your continued support. Debbie (Deborah Tosun Kilday)
Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival – Day 2

In Barkhamsted — The Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival 2023 – Day 2 Saturday September 2, 2023 starts at 1 pm – 6pm EST.
Schedule of Events:
1pm – 2:30pm – New Beat Laureates receive their awards and read (up to 15 mins each)
2:30pm to 4:30pm Open Mic readers (3-5 mins each) sign up on the sign up sheet when you arrive).
4:30pm – 5:30pm – Ernest Brute & Object Echo perform.
6pm – 9pm – Beat Laureates celebration continues…
Books will be available for sale throughout the event including this years New Generation Beats Anthology 2023.
The Karma Jar is always appreciative of donations to help with production costs so that we can continue to bring these programs to you.
Location: Outside in back of house, under the tents, park along the side of the long driveway, 22 River Rd, (Rt 181 off Rt 44) Pleasant Valley/Barkhamsted, CT 06063 – Be respectful of others and the property or you will be asked to leave.
The program will be videoed live and soon after will be made available on the NBPF YouTube Channel. Hope to see you and hear you. I hope to hear a lot of different voices sharing their words. Thank you for your continued support. Debbie (Deborah Tosun Kilday)
Books will be available for purchase throughout the 3 day event.
Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival – Day 3 ONLINE ZOOM

The Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry Festival 2023 – Day 3 – Sunday September 3, 2023 – Online Zoom 1pm – 6 pm EST will be Hosted by Chryssa Velissariou from Greece. Deborah Tosun Kilday will be there too to open & close. Each poet gets up to 3 minutes to recite.
You must email to a photo of yourself and say what state or country you live in. A few days before the event you will receive the Zoom link in a email in order to participate. Those unable to come in to the online zoom are asked to send in a up to 3 min video using the free program
RSVP to NBPF15@GMAIL.COM and donate to PayPal with your donations. This helps to continue programs we all look forward to each year.
Plan to come be a part of it.
The Nat’l & Int’l Beat Poetry 3 Day Festival September – 1,2,3, – 2023

Mark your calendars for the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc.’s Annual 3 day Festival & Awards Ceremony, Celebrating Beat Poets from around the globe. It will be held live in person. (Zoom program details for those that cannot attend live posted above).
The festivities begin live and in person on Friday night September 1, 2023 at the Canton Town Hall, 4 Market St # 100, Collinsville, CT 06019, starting at 7pm EST in the auditorium with Poetry, music, and friendship. Free Town parking available. Donate to the Karma Jar ($5-20), Sign up for the open mic upon arriving.
Continuing on Saturday September 2, 2023, starting at 1pm EST located outside in back of house, under the tent, park along the side of the long driveway, 22 River Rd, (Rt 181) Pleasant Valley/Barkhamsted, CT 06063 with this years Beat Laureate Awards Ceremony, followed by readings, music, a celebratory dinner, and making and renewing friendships.
On Sunday Sept 3, 2023, we have an informal gathering of poets with readings from 1pm-3pm EST. 22 River Rd, (Rt 181 off RT 44) Pleasant Valley CT 06063 located outside in back of house, under the tent, park along the side of the long driveway. At the same time the online Zoom will be taking place 1pm-6pm EST.
The program will be videoed live and soon after will be made available on the NBPF YouTube Channel. Hope to see you and hear you. I hope to hear a lot of different voices sharing their words. Thank you for your continued support. Debbie (Deborah Tosun Kilday)
Find overnight B&B housing options on Airbnb & Vrbo by searching in Connecticut towns – Canton, New Hartford, Pine Meadow, Winsted, Barkhamsted. Area motels – Hillside Motel, 671 Albany Turnpike, Canton/Collinsville, CT, Call (860) 693-4951, Alcove Motel, 87 Main St, New Hartford, CT 06057 Call (860)693-8577. Save the dates.

Now Taking Submissions
Nat’I & Int’l Goddess Anthology 2023
2 poems – Each 100 Lines or Less
(Positive Themes Celebrating Women)
(No Special Formatting please)
A short 4-6 line Bio
Bio in the 3rd person (Include your Location)
Send To:
Include your submission as a (Word Doc) attachment and also copy it into the body of the email.
Write Goddess 2023 on the subject line. Deadline to Submit March 31, 2023.
3-12-2023 – Nat’l & Int’l Goddess Festival 2023 (Zoom) 3-12-2023 . Email to sign up to receive Zoom Link, plus send in your photo to be included in the ads.

3-11-2023 – Nat’l & Int’l Goddess Festival 2023 In person at the Canton Public Library, 40 Dyer Avenue, Canton, CT, 1:00pm – 3:00pm