Carlo Parcelli – National Beat Poetry Festival 2020 – Watch Here
Carlo Parcelli studied and worked for many years with the Joyce/Wake scholar, Dr. Rudd Fleming, who translated Greek drama with Ezra Pound while Pound was incarcerated at St. Elizabeth’s hospital here in Washington DC. He has published two books in the style of Pound’s Cantos, ‘Three Antiphonies’ and ‘Fernparallelismus’. Carlo has also published a series of 88 monologues, ‘The Gospel According to Simon Kananaios: A Meditation on Empire’ based on David Jones’ monologues of a Roman principalis in his volume ‘The Sleeping Lord’. Carlo has a forthcoming epic poem about a fictitious First Century Roman cynic philosopher called ‘Canus Ictus in Exilium’ (Dog Bite in Exile). Parcelli’s work, generally excerpted, has appeared in a number of journals including Exquisite Corpse, Make It New, Brave New Word and Science as Culture. He has performed his work, especially ‘The Gospel’, at dozens of venues including the Boog Poetry Festival, The National Beat Poetry Festival, The Bowery Poetry Club and Busboys and Poets in Washington DC. Carlo is currently an editor at FlashPoint magazine <http://www.flashpointmag.com/>, an online journal largely devoted to high-Modernist poetics.