Cd. de México, 1961
Pilar is a poet, video artist, translator. She has published in dozens of magazines and anthologies, including Voices of Mexico, Tierra Adentro, The America’s Review, Poets in Nigeria, Bilingual Review, Tinta Seca, and Blanco Móvil. She has participated in multiple poetry festivals in different cities of Mexico, as well as the United States, Brazil, Ecuador, Italy, Cuba and Egypt, and her poetry has been translated into English, Arabic, German, Greek, Portuguese and Italian. Several of her collections of poems can be purchased electronically on Amazon. Printed publications include Asunto de Mujeres (Cascada de Palabras 2012), an author’s gazette Verdes Lazos (Río Arriba 2014), the CD Dialogues of a woman awake (Anarca 2016) with 12 poems recorded with live music, and Insistencia en el sueño (Literary Trajín 2018).
She originally wanted to become a filmmaker, and started doing video while in college. Her piece “The Idea We Live In,” won first place at the 1991 Athens International Film and Video Festival in Ohio, and at the Bienal de Video in Mexico City, 1992 (plus an honorary mention for scriptwriting); “The Unexpected Turn of Jim Sagel,” was “Best New Mexican Film” at the 1994 Roswell Film Festival. Her videos have been shown in several festivals and museums in Europe and America, among them, International VideoPoetry Festival in Greece, VideoBardo Festival in Argentina, Festival Instants Vidéo in France, and Museo Reina Sofia, in Spain. She has received grants from the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), the National Fund for the Culture and the Arts (FONCA), and the City of Austin Arts Commission, among other recognitions. In 2019, a retrospective of her videos was presented in Madrid, Spain.
She is a member of the advisory council of Writing for Peace, a non-profit organization in the US, and a founding member of the global movement 100 Thousand Poets for Change participating since 20101 together with her Colectiva Poéticas. She lives in Tijuana, B.C. since 2016, where she is the co-owner of a bookstore, participates in readings and artistic events on both sides of the border, and continues to look for ways to bridge her passion for the moving & still imaging and the spoken & written word.
URL: http://PilarPoeta.blogspot.mx y http://anarcafilms.blogspot.com/
Facebook: @PilarRodriguezAranda
Email: ellaespoema@gmail.com & anarcafilms@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +52 (55)3117-2016